Retail Technology Glossary

Welcome to the Stylitics Retail Tech Glossary – a comprehensive guide to the language of retail innovation.

In the ever-changing world of retail, keeping up with the latest terminology is essential to staying ahead. That’s why we’ve created this comprehensive retail technology guide, covering all the trending retail terms you need to know.

Retail Technology Glossary

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There are currently 4 terms in this directory beginning with the letter D.
Dead Stock
Dead stock refers to inventory or merchandise that has remained unsold and unused for a prolonged period, often becoming obsolete or irrelevant to current market demand. It represents products that have lost their commercial value and are unlikely to be sold in the future. Dead stock ties up valuable resources such as storage space, capital, and potentially incurs additional costs related to holding, maintaining, or disposing of the inventory. Retailers and businesses strive to minimize dead stock by closely monitoring sales trends, managing inventory levels, implementing effective demand forecasting, and making timely adjustments to pricing, promotions, or product assortment.
By mitigating dead stock, businesses can optimize inventory turnover, reduce financial losses, and create space for more profitable products, ensuring a healthier and more efficient supply chain.
Digital Merchandising
Digital Merchandising refers to the strategic presentation, promotion, and optimization of products or services in the online or digital retail environment. It involves the use of various digital platforms, such as websites, mobile apps, and social media, to create visually appealing and engaging product displays, organize product categories, and enhance the overall online shopping experience. Digital merchandising encompasses techniques such as product imaging, product descriptions, pricing, cross-selling, upselling, and personalization to attract and guide customers towards making a purchase. It also involves utilizing data and analytics to understand customer behavior, preferences, and browsing patterns, enabling businesses to tailor their digital merchandising strategies for targeted marketing and improved conversion rates.

The goal of digital merchandising is to optimize product visibility, encourage exploration and discovery, increase customer engagement, and ultimately drive online sales and customer satisfaction.
Discounting or Discount Pricing
Discounting, also known as discount pricing, refers to the practice of offering reduced prices or markdowns on products or services compared to their original or regular selling price. It is a promotional strategy employed by businesses to incentivize customers to make purchases by providing them with cost savings or perceived value. Discounting can take various forms, such as percentage-based discounts, buy-one-get-one (BOGO) offers, seasonal sales, clearance sales, or promotional codes. The objective of discounting is to attract customers, stimulate demand, increase sales volume, and potentially gain a competitive advantage in the market. While discounting can generate short-term revenue and attract price-conscious customers, it is essential for businesses to carefully consider the impact on profit margins, brand image, and long-term customer behavior.

Effective discounting strategies involve thoughtful planning, targeted audience segmentation, clear communication of the discounted pricing, and aligning discounts with business objectives to maximize the benefits while maintaining profitability.
Dynamic Pricing
Dynamic pricing refers to the practice of adjusting product or service prices in real-time based on various factors such as demand, supply, market conditions, customer behavior, and competitive landscape. It involves the use of algorithms, data analysis, and automation to determine optimal pricing strategies for maximizing revenue and profitability. Dynamic pricing enables businesses to respond dynamically to changing market dynamics and customer preferences by setting prices that are flexible and responsive to fluctuations in demand and supply. This pricing approach can be applied across various industries, including e-commerce, travel, hospitality, and ride-sharing, among others. By leveraging dynamic pricing, businesses can optimize revenue by charging higher prices during periods of high demand or low inventory, while offering lower prices during periods of low demand or excess inventory.

The goal of dynamic pricing is to achieve the right balance between customer value, competitive positioning, and business objectives, ultimately maximizing revenue and improving overall market performance.